Dan Boudillion’s Hoosac Tunnel Abode of the Dammed
Cornell University – Scribners 1870 Hoosac Tunnel by W. Gladden
Hoosac Tunnel Website
Western Gateway Heritage State Park
Website Sources:
- Hoosac, A Short History of the World’s Most Interesting Tunnel By Alden H. Dreyer, 1964
- Hoosac Tunnel Commissioners Report, February 28, 1863
- Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engineering Magazine, April 1877
- North Adams Transcript, March 2 1868
- History of Hoosac Tunnel, 1819-1911
- A Pinprick of Light, by Carl Byron, 1995 ISBN 1-881535-17-7
- 1974 ISBN 0-8289-0324-7
- Building BIG, by David Macaulay, 2000 ISBN 0-395-96331-1
Special Thanks….
I would like to personally thank the following people for their help with this project. Without them it would have been impossible…..
Alden Dreyer
John Alan Roderick
Fred Fedrini
Charlie Hine
Joe Norton
And for tolerating my idiosyncrasies, my wife Gayle
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